====== Multitap Chat Commands ====== ===== Useful Commands ===== ^Command^Description^ |!addcommand [CommandName] 0 [Image link or text]|Adds a new command to the stream chat (admin only)| |!clip|Creates a clip of the last 30 seconds ("somebody clip that!")| |!commands|Get a link to this page, a true exercise in recursion| |!gamble [amount]|Gamble some jiggies| |!gamble all| Gamble ALL jiggies\\ "That's the fastest way to make jiggies!" -Mugen| |!givejiggies [username] [amount]|Give some of your jiggies to a friend! How nice!\\ (Example: **!givejiggies drfresh113 500**)| |!jiggies| Check your jiggies after you gambled them| |!kirby|Displays a random Kirby image from https://multitap.pw/doku.php?id=kirby| |!quote|Displays a quote from https://multitap.pw/doku.php?id=quotes (optionally include a search term as a parameter: **!quote dave**)| |!scramble|Start or join a game of word scramble. If you don't type the command, your guesses won't be counted!| |!shoutout [text]|Have Wolverine deliver your shout out on a PERSONAL WATERCRAFT| |!sound [sound_name]|Plays a sound from the soundboard: https://multitap.pw/doku.php?id=soundboard (example: **!sound horse**)| |!trivia|Generate a trivia question. Perfect for getting through those old-school loading times!| ===== Fun Commands ===== Pictures and .GIFs to amuse and taunt ^Command^Description^ |!12|Shinya Arino prescribes 12 hours of games every day| |!alvin|A dancing animated chipmunk next to who I can only assume is Dave| |!bulby|Summon a Bulby| |!cloud|A big happy cloud| |!cloud1|Two happy clouds| |!cloud2|A small happy cloud| |!continue|PLAYERS CAN BE ALLOWED TO START THE GAME FROM THE SAME ZONE WHICH IS AT THE POSITION OF GAME OVER IF PLAYER PLAY AGAIN WITHIN 30 SEC. BUT FOR FIRST PATTERN ONLY.| |!crungo|crungo| |!dave|A picture of MultitapDave| |!dave2|A picture of MultitapDave| |!dog|A random picture of a dog| |!dog2|The poster for "The Shaggy Dog" starring Tim Allen| |!eggman|Dr. Eggman in his swim trunks| |!gamedev|Start working on Super Mario Storm II| |!greendaffy|Plucky Duck on the verge of tears| |!greendaffy2|Plucky Duck being buff| |!help|Start struggling in the background while Mugen does nothing to help him| |!listen|Mugen listening intently| |!lose|Popeye crying| |!jazz|Show a picture of JazzmanZ| |!jazz2|Show a picture of the Shaggy Jazz| |!jazz3|Jazz dancing| |!jokeboat|"jokeboat"| |!joker|Mugen laughing with "HA! HA! HA! HA!" in the background| |!knuckles|the echidna| |!marvin|Marvin (from Power Pros) on a trading card| |!mugenslime|See Mugen's spirit animal| |!pog|Do a normal pog| |!power|ATTENTION VIEWERS: MULTITAP IS HAVING POWER ISSUES! THEY MIGHT BE BACK!| |!rock|The Rock gives you a look| |!shadow|Shadow the Hedgehog| |!skipit|The very best thing of all? There's a counter on this ball!| |!smug3|Wokū from Bushi Seiryūden: Futari no Yūsha| |!startsucceed|Start's victory dance| |!stone|The Rock can handle stone| |!wii|Mugen playing the Wii expertly| |!wizard|Summon a wizard from King's Quest 3| |!yoshi|A picture of a baby Yoshi|