====== Mr. Ff-wii ====== ^ Phuui ^ | {{http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z196/kenshinmeowth/memPhuui.png}} | | **Specialty:** Being salty| | **Finishing Move:** Chair's Illusion| | **Stronger Than:** Old Cheese, Dirt| Only redeeming quality is having a can of old and stale [[Hogan_Energy|Hogan Energy]]. Originally part of the [[Underspriters]]. Brother of [[OddjobBR|Oddjob]]. 7:32:10 PM dansubigi591: how do i add to these friend code thingy lists 7:32:17 PM theblanketking: edit the page 7:32:24 PM theblanketking: DID THAT HELP? 7:32:47 PM dansubigi591: m-maybe {{:shreddershreddershredder.jpg|}} ^ Can't remember their face? Just think: ^ | **Looks like:** {{ :shangtsung.jpg?200 |}}\\ | | Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa / Shang Tsung |