Sure! Here is a simple version of a game called Pig Adventure 2 that you can use as a starting point. You can modify and expand on this code to create your own version of the game. // initialize game variables var gameOver = false; var score = 0; var currentLocation = "farm"; // game loop while (!gameOver) { // display current location and available actions console.log("You are currently at the " + currentLocation + "."); console.log("What would you like to do?"); console.log("1. Explore the farm"); console.log("2. Visit the market"); console.log("3. Go to the forest"); // get player action var action = prompt("Enter the number of the action you want to take:"); // handle player action if (action === "1") { // explore the farm console.log("You explore the farm and find a pig. You adopt the pig and name it Porky."); score += 10; } else if (action === "2") { // visit the market console.log("You visit the market and buy some food for Porky. Your score increases by 5."); score += 5; } else if (action === "3") { // go to the forest console.log("You and Porky go for a walk in the forest. You come across a treasure chest and open it to find a golden coin. Your score increases by 20."); score += 20; } else { // invalid action console.log("Invalid action. Please try again."); } // check if game should continue if (score >= 50) { gameOver = true; console.log("Congratulations! You have won the game with a score of " + score + "."); } } In this game, the player starts on a farm and can choose to explore the farm, visit the market, or go to the forest. Each action increases the player's score by a certain amount. The game ends when the player's score reaches 50 or more. I hope this helps as a starting point for your own version of Pig Adventure 2. Let me know if you have any other questions.