====== U Lexicon ====== This is your "How to U" page for all the in-jokes and terminology you missed out on while you were away from your computer for 5 minutes. **Stuff [[Quicky|PDK]] might stand for:** *Probably Denotes Koolaid *Practical Dick Killer *Parakarry Detests Kinda *Phoenix Dwight Kumo *Pattymelt Delicious Kwazy *Philly Delight Kmart *Phunkyan Donkey Kong **Wayne's World Jokes for Kids**: *A rear rump says what? *I'll take the ketchup and fries of a young man *Mountain Dew, Pepsi Cola, no racist accent *I like the Sugar Pucks, they're excellent *Yeah it's Dutch Chocolate action, delicious *Game on!! *Actually my good man I'm feeling rambunctious, I think I'll ask my mommy to buy it, do you accept gift cards? **Acronyms (for Acrony):** *ATHF - [[Aqua Teen Hunger Force]] *nwtc - Not Willing to Check *nwtd - Not Willing to Do *dnf - Duke Nukem Forever *wad - What A Dub **Other stuff people say:** *Get buried jobber - This is what happens when you run into [[Triple H]] *AVG - Awesome Video Games, like... let's play some Awesome Video Games awrightttt **Great Stream Moments** * [[https://clips.twitch.tv/RudeRacyRabbitChocolateRain|Thank god for rewind]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ8dw6vZZkA|W-What a nightmare!]]