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Dragmire's show, think Multitap Jr.

The Great Mario 64 Star Race

One night, Dragmire wanted to show off his “great” Mario 64 skill. He found a ROM hack (read: pirated video game) online that allowed himself and Mrs. Mire to play as Mario and Luigi (respectively) in the N64 classic Super Mario 64. Dragmire foolishly suggested a “Star Race”, which Mrs. Mire (the low-key superior Mario 64 player) humbly accepted.

In the end, the score was 120 - Mrs. Mire and 0 - Dragmire. It was a good effort by both parties, but a better effort by Mrs. Mire.

Promotional Poster

miretap.1465442458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/17 00:04 (external edit)